We have an active prayer ministry in our church. Prayer requests are sent out to members via email or by phone. If you have a prayer request please email Pastor Doug at
We have a time of fellowship immediately following worship each Sunday in the fellowship hall downstairs. Volunteers usually sign up to be greeters before church, ushers during church and provide snacks to share with the congregation after church.
bible study
Our Bible Study group meets on the first and third Thursdays at 12:30 during the school year. We break for June-August. The study lasts about an hour and we are currently doing a survey of the whole Bible called God’s Big Story. Pastor Doug Basler leads the discussion.
Presbyterian women
All women of UPPC are invited to participate in Presbyterian Women. The group meets monthly, usually at the church, and have a snack, discuss any business matters and participate in the PW Bible Study which is published each year. PW is a mission-oriented organization and utilizes its resources to support their mission work. They also serve meals or refreshments at funerals, weddings or other special events as needed by church members.
Men's coffee social
Several men from the church meet weekly starting at 9am on Wednesday mornings to have coffee, discuss current interest topics then frequently work on various projects to help keep our church in good running condition. All men are welcome to join the group at any time.
Book Club
The book club meets several times a year as decided by the members. The group decides what book they will read and then discuss the chosen book. They have even had movie nights if the book has been made into a movie and then discuss the movie also. If you are interested in joining this group please contact the church office for the next meeting time and title of the new book.